Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Introduction: Racism in Taiwan (by Caroline)

   Every year, thousands of foreigners come to our country. And no matter what is their purpose, most of the reasons are the same -- work. You can see them looking after the old or children, sweeping the house, dividing the labour in a industry, and so forth. However, during the exhausting work, do they possess the same condition of equality? Racial discrimination, including extra work hours and unfair treatment, facts such like these can be seen everywhere. Therefore, misapprehension between two nations is easily to occur.
   To begin with, we will search for the incidents that correspond to these kinds of issue. Also, it's necessary to make a questionnaire to know what the public think of them. And find out how to better it. After all, it's not fair to judge them just because they are from other countries. We’re not superior, so each group should assert their rights. And that's what we're trying to do in this research.

Posted by Chang @ 3:40 PM


Blogger Chris' Wonderland said...

Good job! If it is possible, it would be fair to interview foreign workers or investigate what foreign workers think.

October 18, 2008 at 3:51 PM  

Blogger Chris' Wonderland said...

How come I did not see Jing's and Coco's works?

October 18, 2008 at 3:54 PM  

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