Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Introduction: Racism in Taiwan (by Coco)

   In recent years, more and more foreign laborers come to Taiwan for work. In their countries only have a few work opportunities, so they have no choice but to across the ocean from their hometown to Taiwan for a job. But in Taiwan, employers hired these people and give them unequal treatment, for instance, pay them very few wages, overtime work, etc. To the research, we want to undo everybody’s unusual judgment of the laborers and make everyone equal treats them as our friends. Let Taiwan become a parti-colored society without racism.

Posted by Coco @ 3:58 PM


Blogger Chris' Wonderland said...

Fine. Yet, it seems too short.

October 22, 2008 at 8:59 AM  

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. School: SLHS
. Department: Applied Foreign Language
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